Friday, November 29, 2019

Missouri Homesteads & Ecovillages

I would first start with a small garden - focus on greens and root crops.

I would also start small chicken coop, beehive, composting drum / wormbin, grass to cover crops, and ultimately get a Block together with realtor to buy an entire cul-de-sac ("ecovillage")...

Friday, September 13, 2019

Kaizen philosophy

The Japanese kaizen means "small improvements every day".  This is a good strategy for accomplishing big goals. 

Yesterday I got a draft, barre bones version of the Combine website up.  The Great Mountain Adventure begins.   A lot of work on all fronts, but I'm hearing interest in SOS and the Missouri Homestead Project (or whatever it ends up dba)...  (mostly in talks with my mom, who reminded me that I've like and been good at cleaning up messes since I was little...)...

Really like "My Self-Reliance" with Shawn James on YouTube - watch that a bit these days....

Interviewing with Elemental Ecosystems this evening with Zach Weiss - looking forward to speaking with him...  would be great to work with him sometime...

also need to ensure my work with DNR / NRCS is satisfactory, and that I continue to maintain and improve my skills as an engineer in the major fields and software applications...   may join Engineers Club of STL again as I do like Vicki LaRose....

But with all these projects and stuff today, my main focus is on God and my family - first things first, always...  I miss my family (Holly and my sweet 4 yr old son, Emil - see First Post!), and am excited to see them this weekend...  but now I need to find Momma a present and my  baby boy Emil a "soft car that rolls by itself" (what he told me he wanted last time I talked to him on the phone last Sunday)... 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

First Post

Great Mountain Adventures

well, this is just a blog to document the progress of developing the Mountain of Ideas behind this...  first, think we will start with SOS, then hopefully Off-Grid Hommesteads, then the rest along some sort of rational development timeframe...

see also:

thanks for reading & check